Our approach to risk management and governance

At Maple-Brown Abbott, risk management is an integral part of the day-to-day operations of our business and our company’s culture.

The Maple-Brown Abbott Limited Board has overall responsibilities to monitor risk and to ensure we have a framework in place to manage risk.  The Board has delegated the responsibility for overseeing the design and effectiveness of the Risk Management Framework to the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee.  The Risk Management Framework is designed to ensure compliance with regulatory, prudential, legal and ethical standards.  The Board’s expectations regarding the consideration of risk in decision making processes and expected behaviours are outlined in our Risk Appetite Statement.

Our approach to risk management is integrated across all business functions and processes, with each of our team accountable for managing risk within their area of responsibility. Regular reports are received by both the Board and the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee from management throughout the year.

Furthermore, Maple-Brown Abbott has a majority of independent directors on our Board and members on our Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, who come from a diverse range of business and professional backgrounds to ensure the highest standards in corporate governance.